Jesus, Sender of the Storm (Part 1)

Today’s Treasure

Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.  When evening came, his disciples went down to the lake… By now it was dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them.  A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough…] They saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; and they were frightened.  But he said to them, ‘It is I; don’t be afraid.’  Then they were willing to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading”.

John 6: 15-21

This story is told in two additional accounts of the gospels.  It’s interesting to note, that prior to this frightful experience, Jesus had just performed the amazing miracle of feeding the 5000.  It is also notable that instead of basking in the limelight of the people’s adulation, He retreats to a quiet place to pray.  Jesus fully understood the heart of man and the false interpretation taking place in their mind as to who He was.  Like we so often do, they were fitting Him into their plans instead of understanding we can never conceive God’s plans:

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts”.

Isaiah 55:9

Oh, we think we would never respond like the frightened apostles, but truthfully we do it every time we question things that happen in our own life with a “Really God?” Like we know better.  His example of getting away for a private time of prayer was a natural response before and after ministry.  I often wonder what our lives would look like if we practiced the same thing.

In this account, we see that Jesus sent his disciples to the Sea of Galilee knowing a storm would be coming. Yup! Sent them right into the storm.  I can remember it was only three years after the loss of my oldest son, and 8 weeks after my mom’s unexpected death, that my youngest son, a former professional soccer player, was in an at-fault drunk driving accident where the other driver was killed.  My mind was thrown into spiritual confusion and utter desolation.  I repeatedly cried out the words, “God, why have You forsaken me!”  My mind ruminated with doubts as to who I was as a mother and how God could allow such horrendous circumstances in my life.  Being real here! 

So, like the apostles, I responded in fear and forgot about the God of miracles, the God who walked by my side through three years of grief.

He knows this about us and He immediately tells them—as He still tells us today—do not be afraid.  Now let’s go back to the boat where Peter decides he wants to join Jesus in walking on the water.  At that moment, he is a true believer, until after a few steps he takes his eyes off of Jesus and puts them on the waves-- where he then begins to sink.  I have to tell you this account of the story came to life for me every single day as I struggled to get out of bed each morning with the weight of fear and distress.  I would tell myself, “Eyes on Jesus and you can walk; eyes on your circumstances and you will drown.”

And it was through the storms that I found a loving, intimate Jesus, who continually showed up in my darkest hour with His Hand stretched out to save me from drowning.  But you might wonder-- as we all do-- why Jesus would allow the storms and the winds of life to rise around us and beat on our boats?

He sends storms to give us new direction.  

Just by our basic human nature, we have the tendency to become captain of our own ships and masters of our own destiny.  It is in that very state that the Lord may choose to pull the rug out from under us so that we will get our hands off of our circumstances and place them solely around His hands.  He is more concerned about our eternal destiny than our earthly comfort.  For me, every trial I have walked through moved me from a state of complacency to total reliance which initiated a more active faith. My storms forced me into a new direction.  


Do not fear the storm.  We are either walking into one, walking out of one, or in the midst of one.  Yet in all of these cases, God is with us waiting for us to remove our fingers off our problems and place them in total surrender around His Hands.  It is then that we will experience the reality of Job’s exclamation, “My ears had heard of You, but now my eyes have seen You” (Job 42:5).


Father, I feel so overwhelmed by the waves of uncertainty.  Please help me to grasp Your Hands as the One and Only Life Preserver.  You know my fears and I believe You will carry me through this time.  May I not resist the direction You are taking me but help me utter those words which came from Your heart in the worst of circumstances, “Father not my will but Thine be done.” Amen

Andrea Maher

Andrea Maher is the former editor-in-chief of PARENT ABC’S a monthly magazine. Her writings have been featured in local newspapers and parenting publications nationwide. She is the author of SLAMMED: Overcoming Tragedy in the Wave of Grief, and had her book selected as FAITHBOX book of the month.

She is the executive director of the Be Still Foundation, a ministry that disseminates hope and encouragement to families in crisis. She has been married to her husband John for 43 years and has four children, and 8 grandchildren.

Jesus, Sender of the Storm (Part 2)

